Five Simple Shifts that Senior Engineers Use to Land $250,000+ Jobs

(Even if your current salary is below $160K)


In This Webinar You Will Learn:

A proven blueprint to find, prepare for, apply, interview, and land your dream job
How to present your skill set & background to beat your competition for $250k+ jobs even if you feel you don’t have the experience
Secret tools revealed to uncover opportunities & maximize your time like never before possible
The crucial mind shift to overcome the blocks that prevent you from getting the job that you deserve
The insider knowledge to using peer network to locate unlisted jobs & having an unfair advantage passing those interviews
Get paid what you’ve been worth

Land Your Dream Job

Get a proven blueprint to find, prepare for, apply, interview, and land your dream job.

Beat Your Competition

Present your skill set & background for $250k+ jobs even if you feel you don’t have the experience.

Maximize Your Time

Secret tools revealed to uncover opportunities like never before possible.

Get The Job You Deserve

The crucial mind shift to overcome the blocks that prevent you from getting your dream job.

Dan Klos

CEO of ApplyPass

Dan has helped hundreds of Senior Software Engineers get interviews and land job offers over the last 8 years.

Dan transforms job challenges into job opportunities for software engineers.

What Our Attendees Say

"I wanted to say thanks because I just received a verbal offer that seems like a great fit for me! I’m a skilled engineer with years of high level experience and I do very well in technical interviews, but it always takes me up to a year to find a new job because the process of applying itself is so mind-numbingly tedious that I give up after just a few applications. ApplyPass completely solved that problem for me, I created an account and almost immediately started receiving interview requests."
Chris G
Senior Software Engineer
"First thing I noticed after starting ApplyPass, was my confidence at interviews, and improvement to my mental game. It helps you apply to a lot more jobs and overall gains you more visibility. I ended up with two offers on the table and accepted a role with a great company!"
Dinesh S
Senior Sotware Engineer

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect to learn from this webinar?

Attending this webinar will equip you with the shifts that Senior Engineers use to land high paying tech jobs of $250K+ at prestigious companies.
You’ll learn how to effectively target high value roles, present your skillset and background to stand out from the competition, and create leverage to maximize your success.

Who is this webinar for?

This webinar is designed for Senior Engineers seeking insider knowledge to navigate the interview process to land high paying tech jobs. It's especially beneficial for senior engineers who know they have the potential to reach this level and are ready to make this career jump happen.

How do I register?

To register for the webinar, simply provide your name, email, and phone number, and you'll receive all the necessary details to join the session.